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Best free WordPress themes for beginners

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If you are a wordpress beginner and looking for the best free wordpress themes then this article is created just for you. The purpose of this blogpost is to help you find a great wordpress theme which will help you enhance your site appearance and functionality.

WordPress has different types of themes and each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Before finalising any theme, you must know its type so that you know what you are going to face later.

Different types of WordPress Themes

WordPress themes can be categorized mainly into two different categories. These categories are defined based on the features, and limitations it offers. You can select any of these themes based on your requirement and understanding of wordpress.

These categories are as follows

  1. Site Editor Themes
  2. Block editor themes

Site Editor Themes

They offer full control over site design and layout using a visual interface. It has a  Drag-and-drop feature , live previews, and customization options. It is Ideal for beginners who prefer a visual approach

Key Indicators for Site Editor Themes

Appearance Menu: Presence of an “Editor” option for full site editing.

Direct Editing: In SE themes, users are allowed to edit pages, navigation, and other elements directly from a visual interface without actually navigating to each individual page.

Visual Interface: They have Drag-and-drop functionality, live previews, and extensive customization options.

Comprehensive Control: It provides Full control over the site design and layout using a visual editor.

Customisation: Allows High degree of customisation without any code.

Pros and Cons of Site Editor Themes


  • Customizable with easy to use visual tools
  • Real-time preview of implemented changes 
  • No coding skills required


  • Offers limited flexibility compared to custom coding
  • Possibility of performance issues due to heavy customization
  • Very much dependence on theme updates and support

Examples of Site Editor Themes

Targetify: Versatile and minimalist theme ideal for targeting niche audiences with focused content.

Agency Grove: A theme designed for professional  digital agencies and creative businesses with elegant layouts.

Shop Grove: A robust theme for eCommerce business tailored for online stores, offering seamless WooCommerce integration.

Blockskit Business: Modern block editor theme useful for corporate websites with a professional and sleek design layout.

Avista: Clean, multipurpose theme suitable for a variety of website types, from portfolios to blogs and much more.

Blockskit Education: A theme for educational websites built with blocks, ideal for schools, colleges, and online courses.

Anmona: A stylish and user-friendly theme made for bloggers and content creators looking for a modern look.

StartupOne: A dynamic, feature-rich theme specifically designed for startups and tech companies.

Empowerax: A powerful theme aimed at professionals looking businesses for a highly customisable and responsive design.

Educational Blocks: A Gutenberg-friendly theme designed for educational institutions, offering intuitive content blocks.

SUKU: A minimalist and responsive theme perfect for personal blogs and simple websites.

Blockskit Corporate: A corporate-focused block editor theme providing flexible layouts for business sites.

Gutenify Virtual Reality: An innovative theme tailored for VR-related content, utilising Gutenberg blocks for immersive experiences.

BLOCKPAGE: A block editor theme designed for magazine-style websites, featuring customisable content blocks.

WC Fashion: A trendy eCommerce theme specifically designed for fashion stores, with a stylish and modern layout.

BoostUp Business: A professional theme for business websites, offering various customisation options and a sleek design.

Starter Fse: A starter full-site editing theme perfect for beginners, providing an easy-to-use interface.

FSE Business Blocks: A business-oriented theme built for the full-site editing experience, offering customisable block patterns.

Block Editor Themes

These themes use the Gutenberg editor to build content with blocks. They are of Modular design, and offer flexibility in content layout. It is ideal for beginners who are comfortable with content blocks

Key Indicators for Block Editor Themes

  • Gutenberg Integration: Designed to work seamlessly with the Gutenberg editor.
  • Content Blocks: Utilizes content blocks for creating and managing layouts.
  • Modular Design: Focus on modular design elements that can be rearranged and customized using blocks.
  • Flexibility: Flexible content layout options provided by the Gutenberg block editor.
  • Plugin Compatibility: Compatible with block-based plugins and enhancements.
  • Appearance Menu: Typically lacks a full site editor but offers block-based customization options within the page/post editor

Pros and Cons of Block Editor Themes


  • Very High flexibility in content layout
  • Seamless integration with the Gutenberg editor
  • Modular design allows us to change and update easily.


  • Steeper learning curve for new users
  • It May require some additional plugins for full functionality
  • It Can be less intuitive than site editor themes

Examples of Block Editor Themes

Astra: A lightweight and highly customizable theme compatible with the Gutenberg block editor and various page builders.

OceanWP: A versatile and feature-rich theme suitable for any type of website, offering deep integration with page builders.

Hestia: A modern, multipurpose theme with a sleek design and easy-to-use customization options, perfect for businesses and startups.

Neve: A fast and lightweight theme with a mobile-first approach, compatible with Gutenberg and popular page builders.

Kadence: A flexible and performance-optimized theme designed for Gutenberg, offering extensive customization and pre-built templates.

Chaplin: A stylish block editor theme built for Gutenberg, ideal for creating visually appealing websites with flexible layouts.

Alara: A minimalist and clean theme for Gutenberg, designed to enhance the block editing experience with simplicity and elegance.

Raft: A lightweight block editor theme focused on speed and flexibility, suitable for various website types.

Armada: A robust Gutenberg theme with a focus on visual content and customizable block patterns.

Tove: A whimsical and creative block editor theme designed for cafes and restaurants, with unique Gutenberg blocks.

Naledi: A simple and elegant Gutenberg theme perfect for blogs and personal websites, with customizable block patterns.

InoPress: A modern block editor theme built for magazines and blogs, offering flexible layouts and rich typography.

Arke: A minimalist Gutenberg theme emphasizing simplicity and content-focused design, ideal for personal blogs.

Chorus: A versatile block editor theme with a focus on music and bands, featuring custom blocks for media content.

Jace: A clean and stylish Gutenberg theme designed for professional portfolios and creative showcases.

Mikado: A visually appealing block editor theme with a focus on typography and content presentation, perfect for blogs.

Tips for Choosing the Best free WordPress Themes for your site

Understand your needs and Identify the Purpose of Your Site

  • Determine Your Site’s Goals: Be it a blog, eCommerce store, portfolio, or business site.
    • Example: For a versatile theme for a wide range of sites, Astra is an excellent choice because it offers flexibility and extensive customization options.
  • Target Audience: Identify your visitors expectations
    • Example: For a professional business site, Hestia is ideal due to its sleek design and professional features.
  • Content Type: Decide if your site is content-heavy, image-centric, or product-focused.
    • Example: For a content-heavy site like a news or magazine, InoPress is a great option due to its modern design and flexible layouts.

Consider right Balance of Customisation and Simplicity

  • Ease of Use: Theme must be user-friendly, especially if you are a beginner.
    • Example: Neve is known for its ease of use and compatibility with Gutenberg and various page builders, making customization straightforward.
  • Customization Features: Find themes that offer the right amount of customization options without overwhelming you.
    • Example: Kadence offers extensive customisation options while maintaining a user-friendly interface, allowing you to create a unique site with ease.
  • Design Flexibility: Select themes that allow you to modify the design to match your brand’s identity.
    • Example: OceanWP provides deep integration with page builders and numerous customization settings, offering high design flexibility.

Check Performance and Support: Look for Themes with Good Performance and Active Support

  • Performance: Select a lightweight theme that is optimized for speed to ensure fast loading times.
    • Example: Raft is a lightweight theme focused on performance, ensuring fast load times and a smooth user experience.
  • Support and Updates: Ensure the theme is regularly updated and supported by its developers to keep it secure and compatible with the latest WordPress version.
    • Example: Chaplin is a block editor theme with regular updates and active support from its developers, ensuring reliability and security.
  • User Reviews and Ratings: Check reviews and ratings from other users to gauge the theme’s reliability and support quality.
    • Example: Tove has received positive reviews for its unique design and excellent support, making it a reliable choice for restaurant and cafe websites.

By assessing your needs, considering customisation options, and checking performance and support, you can choose the right theme for your WordPress site that aligns with your goals and provides a great user experience.


In conclusion, choosing best free WordPress themes is crucial for enhancing your site’s appearance and functionality. By understanding the different types of themes, assessing your specific needs, and considering customization, performance, and support, you can select a theme that perfectly fits your goals. With the right theme, even beginners can create a professional and engaging website with ease.

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